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Jan. 24 2019
From time to time, we all like to go on a vacation. Dad likes to hike, kayak, and bike, while Uncle Andy enjoys golfing and spending time at the lake
Jan. 23 2019
As an industry, we have gotten fantastic at preaching to the choir, so to speak. We love to share dairy content online and through social media; however, a lot of the time, we as producers enjoy it as...
Jan. 22 2019
It’s fun to watch your children’s interests develop as they grow. They each dive into areas that spark that enjoyment in life
Jan. 21 2019
They say that past performance is the best indicator of future results
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Jan. 18 2019
The American Embryo Transfer Association (AETA) held its 2018 annual convention in beautiful Montreal, Quebec, Canada, with veterinarians and embryo transfer practitioners from around the globe in attendance
Jan. 17 2019
I recently tuned in to the NFL football game of the Chicago Bears versus the Philadelphia Eagles
Jan. 16 2019
Companies need to understand what dairy farmers need
Jan. 15 2019
It was supposed to be a routine disbudding for a group of calves, but for one small Jersey, something went wrong
Jan. 14 2019
Most dairy farmers we meet around the country aren't using social media to connect with consumers
Caitlin Blog Photo
Jan. 10 2019
I know in many of my blogs I have talked about getting more and more information out to the public. This is key. It is what we lack in the dairy industry
cows in freestall
Jan. 9 2019
“I stick to plant-based products because it’s safer.” “Almond milk is way healthier for you.” “I choose soy because it doesn’t have antibiotics in it.”
Jan. 8 2019
I know New Year's Day is just another day, but there’s just something about that new number that makes it feel different. It makes it feel like a fresh start, and we could use that for 2019
Jan. 7 2019
I admit it. I am a dairy bowl junkie. I love watching the competition. It could be youth or adults pressing the buzzers; it does not matter
Jan. 3 2019
I'm kind of rediscovering who I am and what my hopes are
Jan. 2 2019
This week we said good riddance to 2018 and welcomed a new year. Are you excited? Because honestly, I’m still on the fence. The last year was pretty awful for the dairy industry
Dec. 17 2018
We are familiar with the concept of more milk equals more income. However, if additional milk comes with higher expenses, it may not be profitable
Dec. 12 2018
It was picture perfect. My wife was preparing an amazing meal in the kitchen, the kids were playing in the family room, and I was soaking it all in while holding my baby girl as she cooed and looked at...
Dec. 11 2018
As the industry we love looks to head into yet another difficult year, it’s hard not to be frustrated
Dec. 10 2018
I was watching Miracle, the movie about the 1980 Olympic hockey team, and I thought a few of the coaching strategies used by Herb Brooks might be helpful when working with youth in their competitions
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Dec. 7 2018
David Dickson, known to many as Dr. Dave, was a longtime professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and well-respected dairy judging coach